About: Not-for-profit Genomics Sequencing services

Full automation: from sample storage to high-throughput DNA sequencing services (from Pathogens to Human Genomes).This service is run as a not-for-profit program that researchers and industry can access in order to increase genomics surveillance and unlock the potential of genomics in Africa.

  • Short-read technology Illumina (NovaSeq, NextSeq, MiSeq)

llumina has developed high-throughput sequencing systems that produce high quality data, for varied mid-throughput or high-throughput applications including whole-genome sequencing (WGS), whole-transcriptome sequencing (RNA-Seq), exome sequencing, metagenomics (16S and ITS), targeted DNA resequencing and amplicon sequencing.

  • Long-read technology Oxford Nanopore Technology

The systems that we use (MinION and GRIDION) generates up to 250 gigabases (Gb) of sequence data. The portable sequencer produces ultra-long reads (tens to hundreds of kilobases (Kb) which enables the assembly and accurate characterisation of complete genomes, pathogen detection/microbiome analysis.

  • Sample collection and shipment service

As part of our field support, we offer sample collection regionally, nationally and internationally. For moreinformation about shipment and forÃ¥ quotations suitableto your needs please contact us.

For quotes & technical queries:

  • Dr Jennifer Giandhari  – email: giandharij@ukzn.ac.za, Telephone:+27 31 260 4914
  • Not-for-profit genomics: Costing include reagents and machine depreciation only. The service do not build any profit and it is co-funded and subsidised by CERI and KRISP infrastructure and platform grants from the South African Department of Science and Innovation and international funders.