New technologies in Africa: Opentrons Robotic Pipetting HackatHon, Durban, 20 July-3 August 2019

Hackathon to code Opentrons pipetting robots for DNA amplicons and libraries for Sanger, Illumina & ONT Minion sequencing. Opentrons are open-source pipetting robots for biologists. Flexible, accessible & affordable lab robots allow life scientists to do more science & less pipetting. Programming of the robots … Continue readingNew technologies in Africa: Opentrons Robotic Pipetting HackatHon, Durban, 20 July-3 August 2019

New Technologies in Africa: A Rapid, Reliable and Cost-effective HIV-1 Genotyping Service

KRISP, Applied Biosystems and Thermo Fisher Scientific collaborate to bring Africa one step closer to realizing the 90-90-90 target by introducing a rapid, reliable and cost-effective HIV-1 genotyping service in Africa. As part of the introduction, we are running a promotion of ZAR800 (US$ 55) … Continue readingNew Technologies in Africa: A Rapid, Reliable and Cost-effective HIV-1 Genotyping Service

New Technologies in Africa: Microbiome and Metagenomics Sequencing with Illumina and Nanopore

We have setup 16S protocols for microbiome analysis and pan-viral metagenomic protocols. Furthermore, we have completed hundreds of projects. This include producing microbiome data from vaginal, gut, faeces, tissues and even lymphnodes samples (including human and animals from Zebras to Zebrafish). We have also pilot … Continue readingNew Technologies in Africa: Microbiome and Metagenomics Sequencing with Illumina and Nanopore

New Technologies in Africa: High-Throughput and Affordable Sanger Sequencing Services in Africa

This equipment has 96 capillaries and it is able to sequence 2,500 amplicons a day. The novel model of the ABI3730xl is part of a new generation of Sanger Sequencers released in 2019. As part of the introduction, we are running a promotion of US$ 1.6 … Continue readingNew Technologies in Africa: High-Throughput and Affordable Sanger Sequencing Services in Africa