Lifeblood: Water is vital to all life on Earth. Paradise Valley, Durban & Cactus landscape, thirsty desert. Karoo Heartland, Eastern Cape

Whether in a state of lack or abundance, the presence of water is key to each environment’s make-up.  South Africa has one of the richest ranges of biodiversity in the world, with a land surface of 1,1 million square km – representing only 1% of … Continue readingLifeblood: Water is vital to all life on Earth. Paradise Valley, Durban & Cactus landscape, thirsty desert. Karoo Heartland, Eastern Cape

Lifeblood: Ibomvu (orange clay) offers protection from the sun in Zululand & Gerhard works as a car guard in the blazing sun. South Beach, Durban.

Exposure to harmful UV radiation from the sun is an issue that we all face, regardless of skin colour, background, cultural heritage or profession.  With gathering momentum around global warming and damage to the Earth’s Ozone Layer, this exposure is only set to worsen, making protection … Continue readingLifeblood: Ibomvu (orange clay) offers protection from the sun in Zululand & Gerhard works as a car guard in the blazing sun. South Beach, Durban.

Lifeblood: Young dad, self-portrait in the lounge & Daddy cool, Durban inner city

Photo composition aside, the striking similarity between the two toddlers is testament to the fact that there is no scientific base for race.  DNA reveals that more than 99.9% of our genes are identical and that we are all of African origin.  A common challenge that … Continue readingLifeblood: Young dad, self-portrait in the lounge & Daddy cool, Durban inner city

Lifeblood: Pure white arum lilies, Durban Botanic Gardens & Wildfire in the hot bushveld, Hluhluwe

South Africa’s unique climate and topography give rise to broad vegetation zones in the country, and together with each of their associated animal life, they form diverse areas we refer to as biomes.  There are nine classified biomes across the country, each offering unique opportunities to … Continue readingLifeblood: Pure white arum lilies, Durban Botanic Gardens & Wildfire in the hot bushveld, Hluhluwe

Lifeblood: Queens of the jungle, Great Zimbabwe & My sister Robyn, one afternoon in the Karoo

Comparisons have long been made between women and lionesses – Mothers, protectors, providers; both queens in their own right.  The lioness represents the raw power of a woman: beautiful, caring, nurturing but also fiercely protective. However, the scientific link between humans and the cat family go … Continue readingLifeblood: Queens of the jungle, Great Zimbabwe & My sister Robyn, one afternoon in the Karoo

LIFEBLOOD: Photography Exhibition by Samora Chapman: Visual Metaphors that Give Life Diversity, Durban, 24 Oct 2019

Lifeblood is a photography project by Samora Chapman in collaboration with the KwaZulu-Natal Research Innovation and Sequencing Platform (KRISP) & Genomics Africa that highlights the diversity of humans, plants and animals in our mesmerizing corner of the world. The show was curated by Prof Tulio de Oliveira, Director of KRISP. … Continue readingLIFEBLOOD: Photography Exhibition by Samora Chapman: Visual Metaphors that Give Life Diversity, Durban, 24 Oct 2019

Conservation Genomics: Microbiome of Wild Animals in Africa: Including Buffalo, Zebra, Rhino, Abalones, Coral Reefs and even insects…

As part of Genomics Africa, we have validated microbiome sequencing in different samples of African wild animals. This include high-throughput application of Illumina and S5Ion 16S microbiome sequencing for many conservation projects. Many of the samples that we have processed at ARC, CPGR, KRISP and … Continue readingConservation Genomics: Microbiome of Wild Animals in Africa: Including Buffalo, Zebra, Rhino, Abalones, Coral Reefs and even insects…

Decoding the South African Indian Genome for Diabetes and Heart Disease Health Risk

Diabetes is a growing problem in South Africa, but South African Indians are at three times the risk of other race groups. What is more, Diabetes and Ischaemic Heart disease occur at least a decade younger in Indians than in other populations in South Africa. Both … Continue readingDecoding the South African Indian Genome for Diabetes and Heart Disease Health Risk

New technologies in Africa: Opentrons Robotic Pipetting HackatHon, Durban, 20 July-3 August 2019

Hackathon to code Opentrons pipetting robots for DNA amplicons and libraries for Sanger, Illumina & ONT Minion sequencing. Opentrons are open-source pipetting robots for biologists. Flexible, accessible & affordable lab robots allow life scientists to do more science & less pipetting. Programming of the robots … Continue readingNew technologies in Africa: Opentrons Robotic Pipetting HackatHon, Durban, 20 July-3 August 2019

New Technologies in Africa: A Rapid, Reliable and Cost-effective HIV-1 Genotyping Service

KRISP, Applied Biosystems and Thermo Fisher Scientific collaborate to bring Africa one step closer to realizing the 90-90-90 target by introducing a rapid, reliable and cost-effective HIV-1 genotyping service in Africa. As part of the introduction, we are running a promotion of ZAR800 (US$ 55) … Continue readingNew Technologies in Africa: A Rapid, Reliable and Cost-effective HIV-1 Genotyping Service